Still Here with the Meat

Writing a newsletter is easy. Coming up with a title for said newsletter, not so much. If they would hire me the marketing team I've asked for, you could really expect some hard hitting email subject lines. It seems the trend is just to buy more meat, so let's all watch the steady declination of subject line creativity and remember why we're really here.

We have enjoyed having a little slower pace this week and have gotten caught up on some long-planned projects. We've been thinking through the possibility of some different sandwiches this coming spring and are trying to figure out how to make that work for everyone. The butcher club continues to be a tremendous hit and we are always happy to to see those of you who have been around for a while and the new members each month. If you have been interested in joining, here’s the link for more info.

Hope to see you in town this week and that all is well wherever you may be!

Weekly Order Form

Ross Flynn