Trotters for Traditional Tonkatsu


If you need some pork trotters and tails to make a classic Japanese tonkatsu ramen broth, we would be the shop for you! This week one of our customers needed just that, and we were happy to help. As an added bonus, Annie dropped some off for us after it was done, and it was absolutely fantastic. With some soft-boiled soy eggs and braised pork belly, we were satiated into a Tuesday night coma. If you have any requests for things outside the norm, let us know and we will do our best to make it happen.

We will have an Ossabaw hog from Cane Creek Farm again this week. If you love it or have always wanted to try it, this is your chance. Dark, rich meat and fat that liquefies into the perfect cooking medium; they are such a treat.

Once again, if you have thought about joining a CSA and haven't found one that works, we would encourage you to check out the Haw River Producers CSA which offers pick-up at our shop. Some of us in the shop are members, and between the whole working-in-a-butcher-shop thing and having veggies delivered, we eat pretty well.

Have a fantastic week!

Weekly Order Form

Ross Flynn